..works best on small screens!
Cold. Crunchy. Crisp.
Street Cleaning
8r4d One of the few perks of living on a bus route is that we are first in the queue to having our streets cleaned after the #snow falls.
Autumn’s End
8r4d Oh sure, the #snow may have held off to leave the kids alone long enough to trick-or-treat, but now that it’s November the white stuff has finally arrived. It pretty much all melted by mid-afternoon, but still—a harsh reminder that #winter is due soon enough. [read more...]
adventuredog The #snow arrived for the season on the morning of the second day of November, and guess who was excited to sniff around in the cold and wet.
8r4d Something is afoot in the empty lot across from my office. I suspect the construction of a #snow #maze is in the works.
Rec Center
8r4d Sunday Runday? Almost. My days of confinement to the track and treadmill at the rec center might be ending soon. The physiotherapy efforts to rehab my #kneehab are improving my prospects of running outdoors again soon. I mean, that ice and #snow are gonna be serious factors to consider, but maybe when those sidewalks are a little more clear I'll be a little less injured.
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