..works best on small screens!
Autumn’s End
8r4d Oh sure, the #snow may have held off to leave the kids alone long enough to trick-or-treat, but now that it’s November the white stuff has finally arrived. It pretty much all melted by mid-afternoon, but still—a harsh reminder that #winter is due soon enough.

I have spent the morning coding some more stuff on this little website. You may have noticed that there are a lot of photos on here lately. In fact, I’m up near a thousand give-or-take spanning back exactly two years from November 2022. As such, I figured it was time to add that important feature I’d had on my list since I built it but had never bothered because, hey, you like to click, right? Monthly archives now work on this site, meaning that if you click on a post date you can dive into the world of scrolling back and forth through the posts month-by-month rather than just as one big chronological stream. Sure, it’s a little less “gram” like, but this site diverged from its namesake a long time ago.

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