..works best on small screens!
Like a fan convention, but with running shoes and a finish line.
Checkpoint 13
Checkpoint 13
The Divide #ultramarathon is a 100 hour long 320km #running #race thru the Rocky mountains near Crowsnest Pass. RM had been running for about three and a half days straight when we caught up with him at the last checkpoint at midnight of the last night after driving down from the city to cheer him on. We presume he’ll roll across the finish line around 8 in the morning, so we’re back for some rest at the hotel until then leaving him to catch a few #zzzs and then head off for the final 26k while we sleep.
Victoria Park
Victoria Park
Sucked up my apathy this morning and went for a wee #parkrun #race and some Saturday morning #running fun in the #rivervalley
What with all this hiking I haven’t posted much about #running much lately, but this morning was the Edmonton Marathon #halfmarathon #race wherein I had volunteered as a pace bunny for what eventually became the 2:30 finishers time. It started off super foggy this morning, caught a ride with Lucas, shook hands with the founder of the Running Room store, ran for almost exactly two and a half hours (off by 11 seconds) and have been zonked the rest of the day. Oof!
Rainbow Valley
Rainbow Valley
I was neither #running nor #volunteering but I did ride my #bike down to one of the turnarounds on the 5 Peaks #race course this morning where RM was manning a road crossing and waving some flags at the cars trying to show the runners who’s im charge. I mean, c’mon tho. I was there about an hour watching the race and another hour cycling there and back, about 15k round trip.
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