..works best on small screens!
Runs organized by folks outside the crew. Usually these are runs by and from the Running Room store.
Mactaggart Trails
8r4d Our #autumn #runclub night was an orange delight and we tackled about 8k of asphalt #running as the sun set and blew up the colours. Oh, and it’s getting chilly out there folks!
Wednesday the 9th of October, 2024, during prime time.
8r4d #runclub dips into September and #summer weather is holding for another week of #running adventure. P’s grandson joined for a whole klick before he petered out, though his navigation skills put his grandfather on guard in case he could soon take over as the crew’s human gps and route guru.
Wednesday the 4th of September, 2024, posted before bed.
Mctaggart Trails
8r4d A the #summer fades and training slips into the odd season, we go out #running for a few last #runclub meets. Not many people out tonight so I don’t think we have many official weeks left.
Wednesday the 28th of August, 2024, posted at bedtime.
McTaggart Trails
8r4d The #running season had been brutal this month between the #heat and the #firesmoke the latter of which is burning down parts of our beloved mountain park town of Jasper as I write these words. I’ve run in Jasper on multiple occasions and as much as I complain about a bit of smoke, there truth under those words is really me holding back the anger of those who deny humanity’s role in the destruction of our fragile planetary ecosystem and then wring their hands as we sit helplessly witnessing the consequences. We logged a 7km run this evening at a sparsely attended #runclub but with the ongoing high temps my heart wasn’t even into it very much.
Wednesday the 24th of July, 2024, posted before bed.
Whitemud Creek
8r4d #runclub switched to #trails #running mode this evening and we met at the Savage center to delve into the deep woods of Whitemud Creek which was slick and spicy from recent #rain … as recent as half way thru our run and a mad dash back to our cars.
Wednesday the 12th of June, 2024, during prime time.
8r4d Day twenty-two of this old #running streak turned into a bit of a local safari. The regular Wednesday #runclub hit our 7k out and back and met a little #moose on the trail. I figured the pouring rain that deluged us up to a few minutes before we set off would be our biggest story, but alas the real big story was a big old #animal sighting.
Wednesday the 22nd of May, 2024, during prime time.
8r4d Half May and I’m officially fifteen days down on my #running streak. This evening we clashed our #runcrew with #runclub and raced the threatening rain with a speedy right klicks. Somehow I managed yet another day even though my legs are feeling the daily pound of the asphalt. That said, we broke off and ran a bit of parallel trail for kicks.
Wednesday the 15th of May, 2024, during prime time.
Near the Graffiti Tunnel
8r4d Day 8 of daily #running and we joined the running room #runclub again for some mixed training. A couple hills then a as bit of easy running and nothing too complex in the sunshine.
Wednesday the 8th of May, 2024, in the evening.
Mactaggart Trails
8r4d I’m planning on doing some strong #running in May. For the first day of the month I joined the local #runclub at the running room, but to be fair like 8 of the 10 people there were just our usually group/gang #runcrew
Wednesday the 1st of May, 2024, posted at bedtime.