..works best on small screens!
A short few months for being outdoors.
Terwillegar Park
pixelazy Oh it seems like #summer it’s almost over with these early #sunset days
8r4d #runclub dips into September and #summer weather is holding for another week of #running adventure. P’s grandson joined for a whole klick before he petered out, though his navigation skills put his grandfather on guard in case he could soon take over as the crew’s human gps and route guru.
8r4d Alas it is September and #summer is slinking to a close before this month ends. We are still enjoying the sunny #running weather and the lack of training goals so that we can just hit the trails for fun and good company.
Mctaggart Trails
8r4d A the #summer fades and training slips into the odd season, we go out #running for a few last #runclub meets. Not many people out tonight so I don’t think we have many official weeks left.
Summer Trails
8r4d With race season pretty much closed up for another year (at least for most of us) our #running adventures have resumed their normal short + sweet + coffee pattern. #summer it’s almost over… sigh. Today was a guys #runcrew s all the ladies seemed to be on vacation. That just means we talked more politics and told fart jokes than usual.
Heritage Festival
8r4d Day one of #heritagefestival 2024 and between cooking lots of #crepes managing an outdoor kitchen in the #summer #heat and helping with my share of problem solving, I’m definitely ready for a cozy sleep tonight.
8r4d I don’t know where you’ve been for the last week, but between the #summer #heat and the #firesmoke those climate change deniers got some ‘splaining to do. At least my basement is cooler and I can hide out there. [read more...]
The Park
8r4d This gives new meaning to the term “field work” doesn’t it? #keyboard #writing #summer
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