..works best on small screens!
And things that bloom…
Front Yard
8r4d Who knows how long this little bush might survive as I’ve not had great luck with my front #flower bed but I put a rose in earlier this year and it bloomed for the first time this morning!
Watercolour Class 7
squwetchy For our penultimate #watercolour #flower class we did this little red rose. Given that a) this week is our last class and b) I usually only do my homework to show off in the next class, this might have been my last at home assignment painting for a while. That said, I’ve been snapping pics of flowers for a couple weeks now and I bought a pass to the local botanic garden so hopefully it will be a summer of painting plein aire in the park.
Our Neighborhood
8r4d The local canola crops are in full bloom already: I guess using black dirt from local fields to fill the curbs up for landscaping after the construction means that we’re gonna need a farmer to harvest the crop soon. #flower
Front Yard
pixelazy The #flower in the the #rain is almost too easy for a #macro photo.
Our front yard
pixelazy A certain sign of #spring that the plum tree is in full bloom, but does this count as an #insect photo or a #flower photo or both? #macro
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