..works best on small screens!
Up close and personal. Macro photography general refers to pics that magnify the subject to be larger than life thanks to optically focusing on a very close up subject.
pixelazy Even a little #spider needs a caffeine fix, I guess. This little guy was literally climbing the walls from the buzz. #macro #insects
The Park
pixelazy This little bumble was probably nearing the end of something because she was pretty docile on the park sidewalk. I did need to move pretty fast to keep up with her, but I memorialized her efforts in a pretty nice #insect #macro and then left her to her day.
U of A Botanic Garden
pixelazy I was trying to figure out what this little spider was because I either haven’t seen one of these in my backyard or I haven’t been looking close enough. Either way, the #botanicgarden once again proves the place for some #insect #macro #spider pics.
U of A Botanic Garden
pixelazy The roses were in bloom at the #botanicgarden and the bees were busy doing their thing. #insect #macro
pixelazy I’m not used to seeing ladybugs in their larval form, but we found some bushes on our hike this morning with a whole bunch of them. #insect #macro
pixelazy Not sure what this little #insect is (some kind a #spider from the leg count) but she was on the raspberry bushes and posed for a half a second for a #macro before hopping into the shadows.
J Reimer Park
pixelazy Almost stepped on this little guy as we crossed paths on my #rivervalley run this evening. #insect #macro
pixelazy Bug-watching in the hammock on a Saturday afternoon paid off with a nice #spider #macro as she explored my garden box. #insect
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