..works best on small screens!
Old pics, refreshed memories.
Chicago Marathon 2023
Chicago Marathon 2023
#flashback to #chicago #marathon 2023 because I’ve been meaning to repost some of the pics that got lost from this site when I got hacked last spring. It was a year ago this weekend that we did our little #running #travel adventure to the windy city to run the Chicago Marathon after years of deferrals. Technically the race was October 8th and Thanksgiving weekend back in Canada (which is next weekend) but dates, memories, blah, blah, blah, I’m calling it this weekend and today as the one year anniversary of my last marathon. It was a blast, but I think I’m sticking to shorter distances from here on out.
#flashback to #chicago and travelling there on our #running adventure for the 2023 Marathon. Travelling with friends is always a blast and hitting the tourist highlights in the days leading up to the race was pretty sweet: deep dish pizza, downtown, the pier, and all over town for food and sights. I can’t even begin to post all the great things I saw without about ten posts of flashbacks, so this small collection will have to do on the one year anniversary.
#flashback of our european vacay last year where one year ago today we were hanging out in the south of France and on the beaches of Nice.
#flashback : ten years ago in June 2023 at age five she was playing soccer and wearing mittens… today it’s scorching hot outside.
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