..works best on small screens!
U of A Botanic Garden
pixelazy The roses were in bloom at the #botanicgarden and the bees were busy doing their thing. #insect #macro
Wednesday the 17th of July, 2024, around lunch-ish.
U of A Botanic Garden
8r4dsfeets Despite the heat I went for a wander through the #botanicgarden
Wednesday the 17th of July, 2024, around lunch-ish.
Square One
8r4d This morning’s #coffee house writing efforts brought to you by something other than Starbucks for a change. The extra fifty cents for my brew might be worth it for the upgrade in atmosphere.
Wednesday the 17th of July, 2024, in the morning.
T Towne
8r4d An early morning #running sesh in 25C temps to beat the #heat for what is looking to be a 35C day and my planned route thru the shade was blocked off by a police zone in the woods and on a nearby path. Hmmm.
Wednesday the 17th of July, 2024, in the morning.
The Park
8r4d This gives new meaning to the term “field work” doesn’t it? #keyboard #writing #summer
Monday the 15th of July, 2024, deep after noon.
8r4d While most of the #runcrew was off in the mountains sweeping up the last couple legs of Sinister 7, a few of us stayed behind for some Sunday #running in the #rain followed by the regular coffee meetup.
Sunday the 14th of July, 2024, in mid-morning.
North Saskatchewan River
8r4d The girls set out on a solo #kayak adventure this morning, tho my adventure involved trying to wrangle the air pump to cooperate and inflate the darned thing. Hopefully they can read the map I drew so where they exit the #river and where we park the car later match up. #rivervalley
Saturday the 13th of July, 2024, around lunch-ish.
#flashback of our european vacay last year where one year ago today we were hanging out in the south of France and on the beaches of Nice.
Saturday the 13th of July, 2024, in the late morning.
Wee Books
pixelazy … that #bookstore on #whyteavenue
Friday the 12th of July, 2024, posted before bed.
Whyte Ave
8r4d #icecream and #bookstore on a #summer friday evening in the #whyteavenue
Friday the 12th of July, 2024, posted before bed.
8r4d We’ve been living thru a week-long #heatwave and a brief reprieve came this evening in the form of a #thunderstorm that passed by. I ran around the house opening all the doors and windows hoping to get some air flow going on so that we could bring the temperature of the indoors down to something tolerable. The Kid slept in the basement last night because while we have a little portable air conditioner for our bedroom, she was sleeping in a sauna in her regular bed. I say this now, but I’ll take freezing cold over too hot any day of the week.
Thursday the 11th of July, 2024, in the evening.
Big Mama?
8r4d Our neighbourhood, as I’ve discovered over the last year, is severely lacking in #lunch #pizza slice joints. So you might imagine my excitement when I learned there is a brand new almost pizza-by-the-slice place a four minute drive from my house. I write almost because their slice is not a slice but a pizza shaped like a slice. Their smaller of their big slices is like four slices but cooked to order. So. For minute drive plus a ten minute wait to cook it is much better than the twenty minute drive to the next closest slice joint. Hey, this ain’t New York City folks. I thought I would be adventurous today and spent fourteen minutes (and less $ than a burrito just down the street!) procuring a Big Mama slice. Some day we’ll need an excuse to order their 54 inch’er but this trip was worth it for now.
Tuesday the 9th of July, 2024, around lunch-ish.