..works best on small screens!
Where the tall buildings be hiding.
8r4d After a #downtown dinner adventure we checked out the Taste of Edmonton #festival
Friday the 26th of July, 2024, during prime time.
City Hall
8r4dsfeets In #downtown #yeg the summer begins and ends when the City Hall fountain is running.
Wednesday the 5th of June, 2024, in the evening.
8r4d Excuses to be #downtown #yeg lead me to investigate the scenery.
Wednesday the 5th of June, 2024, in the evening.
8r4d On our morning practice #hike #walk with C&A we saw #downtown #yeg from a whole bunch of different perspectives. #cityscape
Saturday the 18th of May, 2024, posted after lunch.
pixelazy Sometimes I do miss being #downtown but only for the vibe and nostalgic feelings. There place might be pretty in the #rain but otherwise it’s a real toss up. And I definitely don’t miss the #commute either!
Monday the 6th of May, 2024, at the dinner hour.
on a 36k run
8r4d sunlit trails through the #rivervalley near #downtown #running
Tuesday the 19th of September, 2023, during morning coffee.
Edmonton Tower
8r4d One last look as I pack up my backpack for my #lastday #downtown. The team threw a fun little lunch party with pizza and treats and we said our goodbyes and adieus. One job left: hand in my computer and see what happens next.
Tuesday the 27th of June, 2023, in the late afternoon.
8r4d One last #downtown meetball run before I sign off. It’s been a minor blast having an excuse to revive some adventure #running in the middle of our marathon training season, but it’s a heckuva drive back and forth after a long day. #runcrew
Thursday the 22nd of June, 2023, posted before bed.
#rain in the #downtown got me into a meditative mindset this afternoon…
Tuesday the 20th of June, 2023, in the mid-afternoon.
Bob & Doug
8r4dsfeets #publicart is commonplace #downtown #edmonton especially if we stretch the boundaries of what many consider “art” … my definition is obviously very flexible in that regard
Tuesday the 20th of June, 2023, posted after lunch.
8r4d On another #running adventure #downtown for that whole downtown marketing campaign for work, five of us explored some of the streets and trails and tackled that nutty hill on 105th street with only a bit of walking. #runcrew
Thursday the 15th of June, 2023, posted before bed.
Walterdale Bridge
pixelazy Scenes from a Low Level of #bridge. Our #downtown running adventure started on a hot and sunny evening by the river and a jaunt across this impressive piece of #edmonton #architecture
Friday the 9th of June, 2023, during morning coffee.