..works best on small screens!
Big Mama?
8r4d Our neighbourhood, as I’ve discovered over the last year, is severely lacking in #lunch #pizza slice joints. So you might imagine my excitement when I learned there is a brand new almost pizza-by-the-slice place a four minute drive from my house. I write almost because their slice is not a slice but a pizza shaped like a slice. Their smaller of their big slices is like four slices but cooked to order. So. For minute drive plus a ten minute wait to cook it is much better than the twenty minute drive to the next closest slice joint. Hey, this ain’t New York City folks. I thought I would be adventurous today and spent fourteen minutes (and less $ than a burrito just down the street!) procuring a Big Mama slice. Some day we’ll need an excuse to order their 54 inch’er but this trip was worth it for now.
Ice District
I sat in Stantec Tower during my #lunch break today and watched some folks enjoying the outdoor rink at Rogers Place
My Kitchen
8r4d December 2nd and I took the day off. Too cold to do much except stay inside and make hot fancy #pizza for #lunch! Blog about it too…
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