..works best on small screens!
Sound effects for media production.
River Valley Trails
bradsalomons I have been making extensive headway on The Underfoot this past couple of weeks and I’m comfortable with thinking about my next steps with the novel. In that mood I’ve been contemplating taking another serious stab at an #audiodrama version, produced with some music and sound effects. I found myself down in the #rivervalley this morning then recording some #foley and wandering through the woods trying to find the quietest place in the city… which was not easy. In fact I hiked from the dog park over across the bridge to the wilderness on the way to fort edmonton park, and hid in the bushes with my recording equipment. All of that was in service of capturing some autumn sounds of the woods and birds and leaves as background fill. Who says the life of a part time writer is dull, huh?
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