..works best on small screens!
Scenes from the trails and races where I spend a lot of my free time. I’m perpetually in some kind of training mode. Races. Fitness. Distance. Streaks. Or just good old fashioned peer pressure.
8r4d Half May and I’m officially fifteen days down on my #running streak. This evening we clashed our #runcrew with #runclub and raced the threatening rain with a speedy right klicks. Somehow I managed yet another day even though my legs are feeling the daily pound of the asphalt. That said, we broke off and ran a bit of parallel trail for kicks.
Wednesday the 15th of May, 2024, during prime time.
T Towne
8r4d Day fourteen of my streak and on the last day of my second week of #running I opted to tackle the hot-ish #spring temps with some more mileage on my summer gauntlet project. I really need to be more methodical about my routes to be honest because I seem to recall that last time I tried this I was cleaning up the neighbourhoods with a lot less overlapping of stuff I’d already run. Or maybe I’m just idealizing my memories.
Tuesday the 14th of May, 2024, deep after noon.
The Neighbourhood
8r4d Monday afternoon the smoke has cleared and JB and Sadie needed a run, so I clocked day 13 of my #running streak.
Monday the 13th of May, 2024, in the late afternoon.
8r4d Another day, another sky full of #firesmoke but RM messaged mid-afternoon and figured we were sitting at about the clearest it was gonna be for a day or so and would I like to get my daily #running done? So I drove to the south side and we tried out a 9k from the starbucks in the smoky air with some thunder cracking off just outside the city. Some trails, some suburbs, some asphalt, some sun…all good.
Sunday the 12th of May, 2024, in the late afternoon.
Bulyea Heights
8r4d I was kinda hopeful that I would need my #firesmoke hashtag for a few weeks yet, but yet again the pall of burning forests in the north squashed my relatively wee & insignificant #running plans. I was all set to crank out a 12-15k long run this morning (because of scheduling issues for tomorrow) but woke up to a haze and all sorts of cancelled races. I scaled back and just added to my gauntlet in north riverbend instead of a longer adventure.
Saturday the 11th of May, 2024, in the late morning.
T Towne
8r4d Day 10 of my month of #running streak was pretty mundane compared to our adventure yesterday, with just a few more clicks of gauntlet running around the hood. Fortunately the sun was shining. Unfortunately the summer heat has come with it. Great for the flowers and sunbathers, bad news for long runs.
Friday the 10th of May, 2024, for elevensies.
8r4d Our regular Thursday #running meetup was quasi-hijacked because Leon’s new house sits right near some fancy #rivervalley trails and he was itching for us to come check them out. My ninth run of May turning into a bit of an adventure run then. We crossed the river and back on two different bridges, found a spring, and meandered along some familiar trails we had run on racers or adventures past.
Thursday the 9th of May, 2024, in the evening.
Near the Graffiti Tunnel
8r4d Day 8 of daily #running and we joined the running room #runclub again for some mixed training. A couple hills then a as bit of easy running and nothing too complex in the sunshine.
Wednesday the 8th of May, 2024, in the evening.
Not that far from home…
8r4d A seventh day in a row of #running let me out in the #rain even tho I held off a few hours hoping against the forecast that it might have let up a bit. Actually it may have gotten a bit worse.
Tuesday the 7th of May, 2024, in the late afternoon.
8r4d My plan failed. That’s to say, my #running plan for today on this my sixth day in a row of May run streak, was to ease off the gas and do a nice moderately paced recovery run. Best laid plans? I set off to run some of the neighborhood gauntlet and feeling good my pace just built and built until I was going a really solid clip. On the second pic (the orange trend line is one I drew over the screenshot) you can see the increase in my pace over the 30 minute run. Again: best laid plans.
Monday the 6th of May, 2024, deep after noon.
Sunday Long Slow Run
8r4d Our regular Sunday #running adventure took us on some familiar but rarely run routes this morning. I hit 18k on the nose for the day and the total for my first five days of May, five for five, was a little over a marathon and a few steps short of 43km (shorting myself at a calculated 42.99k on the week!) A nice big hill at the end bogged down my time tho. And we did kinda stop once to assure ourselves that these dumb geese crossing the busy road made it safely.
Sunday the 5th of May, 2024, around lunch-ish.
Park Run #5
8r4d May the course be with you on this May the fourth, so my fourth #running excursion of the month was a visit to #parkrun in the #rivervalley where I slammed a 5k with about 60 others in the #spring sunshine.
Saturday the 4th of May, 2024, in the late morning.