..works best on small screens!
There are magicians who use magic to con, and there are magicians who use magic to educate about perception and belief. Likewise there are paranormal writers who make up stories to fool and deceive, and there are paranormal writers who use the mystery of the unknown to educate about science and myth. I think of myself as the latter.
bradsalomons The Canmore #coffee scene has a #paranormal vibe that I’ve incorporated quite judiciously into my fiction #writing — that is to say the fictional City of Birchmont and setting for my recent word-craft is based heavily on this little town, no doubt, and influenced by our frequent visits. Yet somehow I hadn’t noticed the #cryptozoology vibe in the town until I started writing paranormal fiction—but now I see it everywhere.

I got a couple scenes written while we visited this weekend, so inspiration meets perspiration, huh? The first book in my Stories from Birchmont series will be completed soon, maybe even by the end of November if I stop goofing around and write the last few chapters!
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