..works best on small screens!
A kind of surrealist-slash-parallel realism story of a world without the internet but inhabited by a society fascinated by little robot pets called “cures” which stand in as kind of a metaphor for social media, technology and addiction, the story is told through the eyes of the mentally ill Belt who owns the worlds oldest cure.

Author: Adam Levin; Narrator: Mark Deakins

Post: Pink Books Go Wild
Tuesday the 15th of October, 2024, in the evening.

Don’t ask me why I never bought this book when I saw it on the discount rack at Chapters, but I didn’t and so ultimately (after it stuck in my craw for long enough) I bought the audiobook version and have been diving into the strange parallel reality of this little science fiction meets dramatic character story.

I honestly don’t have a great sense of where this story is going yet. While it is technically a science fiction novel, the sci fi aspect is light in favour of the deep dive character drama that tells the story of this odd fellow named Belt who is either deeply troubled by mental illness or has some unique talent that is unappreciated enough by the world that he comes across so. The construct of the world is that there are these little fuzzy hamster-like robots that are as ubiquitous as an iPhone might be in our world, and people carry them around and perform all manner or complex ritual that is alike a metaphor for social media and technology addiction.

I will read on and try to decipher the puzzle, though, before I proclaim to understand more.

Length: 39 hours 8 minutes
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