..works best on small screens!
August 2024 p2
8r4d #shopping with the kids on our days off as the school year looms on the horizon
8r4d Just gonna leave this here to mark the first #doughnut of likely many. Hopefully. #grocerygames
8r4d What with all this hiking I haven’t posted much about #running much lately, but this morning was the Edmonton Marathon #halfmarathon #race wherein I had volunteered as a pace bunny for what eventually became the 2:30 finishers time. It started off super foggy this morning, caught a ride with Lucas, shook hands with the founder of the Running Room store, ran for almost exactly two and a half hours (off by 11 seconds) and have been zonked the rest of the day. Oof!
Plum Tree
8r4d They’re not nearly ready to harvest but after three years the plum tree in my front yard is coming along nicely and looks like we’re gonna have about 40 pieces of fruit.
Guinn’s Peak
8r4d The view from way up high was worth the climb.

If you hadn’t noticed yet, I took quite a few amazing #panoramic photos on our #hike last weekend. Obviously it would be a terrible shame to not post these, or worse post them as itty bitty resized and elongated postage stamps. With that in mind I added some new code to this site that recognizes panoramic perspective pics and displays them in a little slider box instead of the normal carousel. If you see that little slider icon in the bottom right of the picture, you can slide it back and forth to see the whole panorama.
Ribbon Lake
8r4d Waking up to this view even for a single day was an amazing thing. Try three mornings.
Guinn’s Peak
8r4d What a #hike view! We climbed to the very top, but the view was fantastic even part way up.
Ribbon Creek
squwetchy I sat atop a waterfall and painted this plein air #watercolour with water from the creek.
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