
My name is Brad and I make tiny, nerdy web things out of words and code and images. These are some of my creations:

my professional home on the web, where I post nerdy stuff about being an interdimensional artist, writer, web code guru and creator of elaborate fictional worlds. Also a kind of portfolio.

you like social media but are annoyed by the companies running them? So do I so I mostly post my feeds here now. Works bestest on mobile.
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random gererators I built which I use or adapt for my writing or other hobbies.

blog about art, watercolour, techniques

blog about outdoors, food, travel, etc

archive of my old webcomic, cartooning, etc

is a hidden sub-page of my photo feed (as above) but exclusively gaming screenshots

Note: some of these sites are hosted on a wee little server about the size of a deck of cards sitting in a cupboard in my basement. Occassionally things crash. Deal.